Indian customers can already place pre-orders for the PS4

Dec 18, 2013 12:21 GMT  ·  By

Although it was initially expected to land in India in 2013, Sony has announced that the PlayStation 4 will be available on the Indian market starting January 6, 2014.

The console was unveiled during the scheduled December 18 Press Launch, and the standard retail price for it has been set at ₹40K / $646 / €479.

PlayStation 4's technical specs are quite impressive, featuring an octa-core x86-64 AMD processor, 8 GB of GDDR5 RAM, 500 GB HDD (some of which is reserved for system files), and a host of connectivity options including USB 3.0, HDMI, Ethernet, Bluetooth, and others, Fonearena reports.

Since its release for European and South and North American customers in November this year, Sony has managed to sell over 2.1 million units, with more markets still waiting for the console to become available.

The device is available for pre-order on its Indian website.