The team is planning to create a fully unified system

Jan 7, 2014 12:52 GMT  ·  By

John Smedley, the leader of Sony Online Entertainment, says that his company is currently exploring a single subscription model for all its MMOs, which will allow a player that buys a popular title like Planetside 2 to access all other titles in the line-up.

On Reddit, the executive states, “that means if you subscribe to one of our games you are a subscriber to all our games (this applies to PC titles only btw).. all for the current $14.99 a month. That’s a benefit most companies simply can’t offer because they don’t have our portfolio of games.”

Smedley believes that such a system would allow players to discover new and interesting experiences, some of which have not yet been announced.

SOE also plans to give playing time to all those who have already paid for one of the MMOs that are included in the unified account system.