The company has not announced the launch of the Ice White model

Feb 1, 2012 17:11 GMT  ·  By

Video game hardware maker and publisher Nintendo has announced that the Pearl Pink version of the Nintendo 3DS handheld will be launched as a standalone product on the United States market on February 10.

The new hardware will cost those interested 169.99 dollars (129 Euro) and it is already offered on European markets.

The Pearl Pink version of the Nintendo 3DS has been launched on the United States market in late 2011, but it was then bundled with Nintendogs and now gamers who are not really interested in that game can also pick it up.

Nintendo has not announced whether it might also launch the Ice White 3DS model on the United States market as a standalone product.

The company is aiming to expand the range of models offered in order to make sure that anyone interested in its new handheld has a version that appeals to his taste.