Developer Visiontrick Media has refrained from releasing too much information on the game

Feb 28, 2014 15:02 GMT  ·  By

Developer Visiontrick Media has revealed its upcoming "fourth-person" adventure puzzle game, due to release sometime later this year for the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation Vita platforms.

The game was initially revealed during last year's Tokyo Game Show, but most likely the larger part of Sony's community has not yet heard of it until now.

The game is a little bizarre, in the sense that you don't have direct control over the character, and he is not your avatar, as all the games until now have accustomed us. Players interact with the protagonist in many different ways, mostly through environmental interactions, trying to guide him or even force him to explore and see what his world is about.

Thus the term "fourth person" was coined, the developers confessing to using it during the last year of development in order to describe the way the game feels overall and especially the unique way in which players will interact with the main character.

The game will throw players right in without any tutorials or introduction, and will have to piece things together while they play, at the same time the game's character does. The devs themselves advise that Pavilion is an experience best played without knowing too much of what lies ahead.

As such, the team at Visiontrick Media is reluctant to give away too much regarding the upcoming game, apart from the fact that it's going to be an adventure riddled with puzzles to solve.

More information can be found on Visiontrick Media's blog.