Visionary Realms also posted an additional Q&A video answering the most common queries

Jan 21, 2014 09:59 GMT  ·  By

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen developer Visionary Realms has revised its set of stretch goals for its recently started Kickstarter campaign.

In charge of the development process is none other than renowned EverQuest creator Brad McQuaid, who aims to bring something new to the fantasy MMO genre, a social and group-based hardcore experience.

After receiving community feedback and discussions, the company has decided to add new Kickstarter Stretch Goals and update the old ones, and also included a reward tier clarification chart in order to further avert confusion.

“We want to be transparent in our plans and demonstrate our commitment to the community that shares our vision of a game that features challenging, social experiences as its core tenets,” Chief Creative Officer Brad McQuaid said.

The overall Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen project description has also been revised and made more concise, and an additional Q&A video has been posted, answering various community questions.

“We wanted to take this opportunity to listen to the feedback and elaborate on what we're planning to do with their pledges. We've also revised a lot of the general information presented in our Kickstarter,” McQuaid added.