Special price cuts and bonuses are available for those who buy the upcoming games

Jan 20, 2014 15:20 GMT  ·  By

Sony has just revealed a special new promotion targeting its PlayStation Vita handheld console, in the form of PS Vita Play, which will offer special bonuses on brand new games released on the portable devices.

The PS Vita is being marketed in a big way after the release of the PS4, as Sony is adamant in making the portable device an attractive proposition for its fans.

Now, starting tomorrow, January 21, until the month of February, the company is organizing a new offer called PS Vita Play, bringing price cuts and bonuses to those who get new games for the device.

More specifically, the next four weeks will see the release of four PS Vita titles – OlliOlli, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, Dustforce, and TxK.

PS Plus users get 20% discounts during the launch weeks of the four games, and those who get two or more titles until February 17 will receive cashback bonuses via the PlayStation Network, according to PS blog.