The virtual experience will be offered later this year

Feb 7, 2014 08:14 GMT  ·  By

Ever since the Oculus Rift was first announced, the team behind it has talked about the many applications it could have outside of gaming and one of the first is to allow fans of rugby to train virtually alongside members of the England team, which is currently participating in the Six Nations tournament.

The application will be launched with support from O2 and the official announcement explains that, “Created using nine GoPro cameras, you'll be able to turn your head in any direction while wearing the Oculus Rift headset as you run through genuine training drills directed by England coach, Mike Catt.”

The virtual reality headset is currently being developed in consumer form and is seen by many as the next big revolution for video games.

Valve has announced that it is sharing its own tech with the team at Oculus Rift and there are also rumors that Sony is working on a similar solution for the PlayStation 4.