At the moment, the team is focusing on Android and PC

Jul 13, 2013 09:13 GMT  ·  By

Brendan Iribe, the chief executive officer at Oculus, says that he would like to see the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset become compatible with the Xbox One from Microsoft and the PlayStation 4 from Sony.

The executive tells The Official Xbox Magazine during the Develop conference that, “We love what both the console guys are doing. I hope one or both of the console guys make VR headsets, or something similar, like an AR headset.”

At the moment, the company is focused on the PC and on Android because they are open platforms where Oculus Rift has the ability to quickly become important.

It’s unlikely that Sony and Microsoft will allow a third-party piece of hardware to become part of the ecosystem for their next generation of consoles.

The device was funded via Kickstarter.