The controversial lightbar strength can be reduced with the future system software update

Mar 21, 2014 06:56 GMT  ·  By

Sony has confirmed that its next PlayStation 4 system software update will allow users to dim the LED lightbar of the DualShock 4 but not to turn it off completely.

The PS4 was released back in November and, alongside the all-new console, Sony introduced the new DualShock 4 controller, which was a big improvement over the PS3's DualShock 3.

One of its more controversial features, however, was a LED lightbar that glowed quite strong and, according to user tests, took a toll on the battery life of the controller.

Now, Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed on Twitter that a future PS4 firmware update will be released with a special option for players to dim the lightbar of the DualShock 4.

The controller's LED can't be turned off, apparently, but the dimming option should certainly satisfy those who want a bit more battery life for their controller, especially during solo game sessions on the PS4.

The LED was used by Sony to differentiate between multiple controllers but also during games to pulse in different lights and augment the experience.

It's great to see, however, that Sony is willing to give fans what they want and add an option for reducing the strength of the lightbar.