The game is similar to Generation in terms of design and gameplay

May 1, 2013 11:47 GMT  ·  By

A rumor suggests that video game publisher SEGA is working on a new title in the long-running Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, with a new experience called Excursion that will try to bring the concept back to its roots.

An anonymous source that’s known for offering reliable rumors on Sonic says that the new game will include characters like Tails, Knuckles, Dr. Eggmanand, and Amy Rose.

The first level of the game is called Shattered Heights and is similar to the Speed Highway known from Sonic Generations in terms of both design and actual gameplay.

Included characters will actually comment on how the player is performing and will offer suggestions on how to approach the level and its challenges.

The fact that at least one level of Sonic Excursion is complete might mean that SEGA is set to reveal it soon.

The game is expected on PC, the current, and the next-generation of consoles.