Check out some impressive new footage from the zombie survival game

Nov 19, 2013 09:07 GMT  ·  By

A brand new video with Dying Light, the upcoming zombie survival game from Techland and Warner Bros., has just appeared online, showing off some more footage from the impressive title, as well as the lighting system used by the game.

Dying Light is the next big title from Techland, the studio behind other franchises like Dead Island or Call of Juarez.

The game is set to debut next year for current and cross-gen platforms, including PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, or Xbox One.

After showing off some gameplay footage in different videos, a new trailer has just surfaced, showing a bit more of its world, its lighting system, and confirming that it's going to take place in the Turkish city of Harran.

Check out the video above to get a short but sweet look at the impressive zombie game.