Check out some fresh footage with the upcoming game

Oct 26, 2013 13:01 GMT  ·  By

Ubisoft has released yet another video with Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and its weapons, this time adding quite a bit of gameplay footage.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is set to debut next week and Ubisoft has kicked the marketing campaign for its latest action adventure title into overdrive, showing off more and more videos, details, or screenshots.

The latest footage has just surfaced and once again features historical weapons expert Mike Loades who talks about the various gear protagonist Edward Kenway will use in the new title.

This time around, there's a lot more actual gameplay footage that show the actual guns in action.

The whole video is quite impressive and should get people excited about the upcoming game, which is out worldwide on October 29 for PS3 and Xbox 360, and in November for PC, Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One.