Gamers will discover the best elements from the two racing titles

Oct 23, 2013 13:00 GMT  ·  By

Craig Sullivan, the creative director working on the new Need for Speed, says that his team has taken the best ideas from both Most Wanted and Hot Pursuit in order to make sure that Rivals offers a solid gaming experience to fans of the series.

He tells TheSixthAxis that, “It was up to us to look at those games, and take this cool position of being able to look at what people liked. It wasn’t necessarily what reviewers pulled out, even though we payed a lot of attention to that, but we’re lucky enough to have the telemetry of what people play a lot of.”

He believes that Cop and Racer gameplay along with content unlocks are important for the fans of Need for Speed.

Rivals will benefit from the addition of the AllDrive feature and will be launched on November 19 on the PC and current-gen consoles, with versions for the Xbox One and the PS4 also in development.