Subnautica just entered development, with an early access build scheduled for next year

Dec 17, 2013 11:11 GMT  ·  By

The studio behind Natural Selection 2, Unknown Worlds, have announced starting development on Subnautica, a new game tackling a genre that does not yet exist, as far as their experience goes.

Subnautica will “combine elements of role playing, sandbox, exploration and cinematic games to create a unique experience,” placing players inside a customizable submarine and tasking them with the exploration of a diverse and fascinating undersea world.

There are currently close to no details about their project, apart from the official description and the teaser trailer. Subnautica will be an exploration and construction game that is currently just “an idea that is just starting to be moulded into its first playable incarnations.”

Unknown World promise open development, with frequent updates on their website and an early access version coming sometime next year, as RPS informs.

Its main feature will be experiencing the unknown, exploring an untouched world without knowing how far and deep you can go, a feature shared by another recently announced title, No Man's Sky.

For additional information, trailers and artwork visit the game's official website.