The game asks for money on purchase, lacks subscription

Mar 30, 2012 09:06 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher NCSoft has blamed a number of factors that it cannot control for the comparatively high price of the Collector’s Edition of the upcoming Guild Wars 2 on the European market.

A spokesperson for NCSoft stated, “Currency fluctuations, distribution costs, taxes and market conditions in addition to the cost of goods are all contributing factors when setting pricing. These vary dramatically between NA and EU and our pricing is competitive and adjusted accordingly.”

The Collector’s Edition for Guild Wars 2 costs 150 dollars in the United States, and gamers need to add the burden of taxes to that price tag, while in Europe players will have to spend 150 Euro to get access to the game.

Guild Wars 2 is being developed by ArenaNet and has a unique business model, asking players to pay a normal price for the physical package for the game and its expansions while allowing them to explore the game world without paying a monthly subscription fee.