The Connected Realms initiative will continue in 2014

Jan 7, 2014 08:32 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard has confirmed a list of servers that will be merged in the near future via its new Connected Realms initiative, in an effort to ensure that all virtual worlds will be filled with many actual players.

World of Warcraft has decreased in popularity over the years and, as a result, more and more servers have lost their users, meaning the realms were becoming more and more barren.

In order to keep the game fun, Blizzard kicked off a new initiative called Connected Realms, which merges different servers while keeping data intact.

On January 9, between 9am and 2pm ET, a new series of mergers will be made, as Blizzard confirmed on a list of the realms that are coming together.

Bladefist and Kul Tiras Nazgrel and Nesingwary/Vek’nilash Nazjatar and Blood Furnace/ Mannoroth Norgannon and Kargath Stormscale and Drak’Tharon/Firetree/Malorne/Rivendare/Spirestone Uldaman and Ravencrest

What's more, at a later date, a new series of mergers will be held for the following realms.

Antonidas and Uldum Blade’s Edge and Thunderhorn Bonechewer and Aegwynn/Daggerspine/Gurubashi/Hakkar Destromath and Azgalor Jaedenar and Agamaggan Shu’halo and Eitrigg

No word yet if the Connected Realms initiative will continue after these new mergers.