There are more hidden Easter Eggs for players to discover

Aug 23, 2013 21:42 GMT  ·  By

The development team at 4J Studios working on the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft announces that title update 12 for the popular indie game has finally passed certification at Microsoft and is now being delivered to gamers.

The official Twitter message from the company states, "TU12 has passed Microsoft Cert test, and is rolling out now! May take some time to be available everywhere."

A full list of changes for title update 12 has been already made available to fans.

The indie experience has managed to become a best-seller on the Microsoft home console, and both Mojang and 4J Studios are working to deliver updates that fix any bugs the community spots and to introduce new features.

Both Sony and Microsoft are struggling to attract as many indie developers as possible for their next-gen Xbox One and PlayStation 4.