The company wants to deliver blockbusters to customers

Jan 9, 2014 13:36 GMT  ·  By

Phil Spencer, the current leader of the Xbox One development at Microsoft, says that his company’s home console is better than the PC at delivering single-player experiences with deep story content.

He is quoted by The Escapist as saying that, “A unique capability on consoles is to play a game like Ryse; there may have some of that on PC, but most of the PC games are service based, just because the retail market for PC games is a real challenge.”

For a long time, the PC games market has been seen as in decline because of piracy, but recently, the rise of solid digital distribution solutions like Steam and the increase in microtransaction-supported experiences have reversed that trend.

Phil Spencer also believes that the Xbox One is the kind of hardware platform that can accommodate both AAA single-player releases and more indie-focused titles.