The company has not officially announced plans for a beta

Jan 30, 2012 13:31 GMT  ·  By

Video game hardware maker and publisher Microsoft has initiated the procedure required to take down a website which is using the Halo 4 video game name to attract players.

The National Arbitration Forum has received a complaint from Microsoft against, which is described as being a fake page, which uses intellectual property owned by the company to lure gamers in.

The website has been taken down since Microsoft first found out about its existence, but the company is now asking for it to be transferred over in order to avoid any sort of confusion in the future.

343 Industries, the developers working on Halo 4, has not yet announced whether it plans to launch an open or closed beta stage for the Master Chief powered video games.

The launch date is set for some point before Christmas of this year and the shooter will be launched exclusively on the Xbox 360 home console from Microsoft.