The first event to be streamed suffered from technical issues

Jan 5, 2012 14:45 GMT  ·  By

UFC first arrived on the Xbox 360 recently but fans have complained that technical issues have limited their enjoyment of the event.

The statement from Microsoft says, “The broadcast of UFC 141 through the UFC for Xbox LIVE application was hampered by technical issues appearing in the hours leading up to the fight. Despite restoring service to some users during the course of UFC 141, there is a great deal of room for improvement. All 30,00 users who registered to view UFC 141 for free will be provided access to a future fight at no cost,” Microsoft said.”

The company says that it is currently working with the UFC franchise representatives to make sure that they are delivering the best experience possible for UFCF 141, making sure that those who should get access to the experience will get more updates soon and that their Gamertags are being kept on file for free access to another event.