Kinect respects your privacy, but voice chat will be monitored

Nov 1, 2013 08:56 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has just offered quite a few details about the level of privacy given to users of the new Xbox One Kinect sensor and warned customers that their voice chat sessions may be monitored.

The Xbox One comes with a new and improved Kinect sensor, and its always-on nature has sparked a wave of concern over the privacy issues.

In a new statement regarding privacy, available here, Microsoft has confirmed that the new Kinect will measure the distance between key points on the player's face and create a numeric value that can be analyzed by Microsoft itself but contains no identifying data about the actual player.

What's more, games that use the Kinect to provide facial expression recognition will automatically destroy that data once the game session ends.

While the new Kinect respects a user's privacy, the voice chat option does not, as Microsoft warns users that they "should not expect any level of privacy concerning your use of the live communication features such as voice chat, video and communications."

Microsoft will apparently monitor the different chat options "to the extent permitted by law."