Capcom's success with the series might see next games coming soon

Jan 6, 2014 08:05 GMT  ·  By

Mega Man X2 is now available for download on the Wii U Virtual Console. The game is available at a discount for owners of the Wii Virtual Console version.

The plot sees the human race threatened when a race of peaceful robots goes maverick and features fast-paced action-platforming gameplay.

Mega Man X2 is the sequel to what many consider one of the best Super Nintendo games ever made. Nearing its 20th birthday, the game has made the leap to the Wii U Virtual Console, a year and a half after showing it on the Wii Virtual Console.

The game joins its family of Mega Man 1 to 4 and Mega Man X on the Wii U, most probably following the success Capcom has had with the series on the Wii U Virtual Console. This could mean that other Mega Man games might soon be making an appearance on the platform.