The game will be more social and customizable

Dec 2, 2014 09:51 GMT  ·  By

Maple Story 2 might not be on the radar for hardcore gamers, but the first installment in the series is one of the most popular MMOs that uses the free-to-play business model and focuses on side scrolling mechanics using a 2D structure.

Now Nexon is working on an ambitious follow-up and the newly launched cinematic trailer for the experience is designed to introduce a new range of potential players to its aesthetics, its cheerful mechanics, and the complex world that the development team is planning to create.

Maple Story 2 has already had a successful alpha test tried, which allowed about 3,000 gamers to test out some of the content and the mechanics.

Since then, the Nexon team says that it has already integrated some feedback that has been offered and is working on expanding other concepts.

The new experience will offer 8 classes, and much of the world fans already knew has been recreated using a more powerful graphics engine which delivers a full 3D experience.

At the moment, Maple Story does not have an official launch date, but Nexon says that it will continue to deliver info about the game for the community and plans to make sure that both customization and social elements are expanded in meaningful ways.

Maple Story 2 Images (5 Images)

Maple Story 2 design
3D designGameplay mechanics