Check out the online mode of the upcoming third-person shooter

Apr 24, 2013 12:01 GMT  ·  By

Lost Planet 3, the upcoming third-person shooter from Capcom, has just received its first gameplay video with the multiplayer mode that's included in the title, showing off quite a lot of footage from the online experience.

Lost Planet 3 is a prequel to the first two games, allowing players to experience a new side of the unforgiving world of EDN III.

We heard a few details about the game and now Capcom has just unleashed the first gameplay video with Lost Planet 3's multiplayer mode.

As you can see in the footage above, the game will have a pretty standard third-person online experience, but players will have to compete not just with each other but also with the many dangers of the planet.

They can also upgrade their loadouts and even control hulking walkers that are slow but extremely deadly.

Check out Lost Planet 3's online mode in action above.