The game will be the first fully immersive motion control enabled adventure title

May 19, 2014 18:45 GMT  ·  By

Untold Games, the Italian studio currently developing Loading Human, aims to deliver a unique experience in the gaming industry, by making the world's first virtual-reality adventure game that uses full-motion control.

The team announced the project back in January, and since then Loading Human has made the jump to Unreal Engine 4, taking advantage of the new licensing deals that Epic is offering developers, and is now undergoing a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

In addition to this, the team has also reworked the game's initial plot, now being a truly science fiction game that will have players take on the role of a son exploring the memories of his father, a man who traveled the Universe, in order to locate a precious and rare dark-energy source that his father needs in order to survive.

With the funding goal almost reached and 17 more days to go, Untold Games seems to be in a pretty comfortable spot. The team has also posted a new trailer from their upcoming adventure game, showcasing how the experience will play out, by making use of some Sixense STEM hand sensors in addition to an Oculus Rift headset.

The trailer depicts some really amazing and innovative gameplay interactions, basically allowing a player to go around the environment and interact with it in very natural ways.