Will allow players to get extra equipment to level up faster

Nov 15, 2011 08:21 GMT  ·  By

NCsoft has officially announced that Lineage II, its long running MMO, will make the move to the free-to-play business model on November 30, with the launch of the Goddess of Destruction expansion.

The publisher says that everyone can access all the content that the game has to offer, calling it the Truly Free system, and that it has no plans to segregate the player base in any way.

NCsoft will also launch the Path of Awakening on November 30, an online system which allows players to see how to get the best experience out of Lineage II that also offers a item shop that can be used to get support during the more challenging areas of the MMO, with all the items bought linked to time limits.

For those who want to get through the game faster and are willing to pay NCsoft is offering something called Exploration Packs that can be bought with real world money and come complete with gear enhancements.

They will be offered starting with November 23.