Jan 10, 2011 14:55 GMT  ·  By

While being a games reviewer allows me to experience some of the newest titles out there, this also means that I don't really have enough time to get to know some of my favorites.

That's why, as you no doubt know if you follow our EndWeekGame pieces, I've been going back to quite a few favorites of mine, completing them just how I would like, and not for the sake of speed, like on many reviews.

One of the first titles I went back to was Valve's Left 4 Dead 2, which, thanks to the massive sales on Steam, I was able to pick up at a low price.

I played the game when it first came out just for a few levels, as I was busy with something else, so I didn't give it enough time to convince myself that it wasn't just an update for the original Left 4 Dead, a title I thoroughly enjoyed thanks to the innovative multiplayer.

Now though, after completing all of the campaigns, going through a lot of Versus matches and the other modes, I can safely say that if you didn't get to play Left 4 Dead 2 up until now, you're missing out a thoroughly fun experience.

Sure, it's a lot like the first Left 4 Dead, but Valve implemented a lot of subtle changes that makes surviving the zombie apocalypse that much more intense and exciting.

From new uncommon infected, like clowns or SWAT members, to new special infected like jockeys, spitters or chargers, or melee weapons like swords, axes or frying pans, there is a lot of new content here.

Also, seeing as how I bought Left 4 Dead 2 way after its release, I got to experience the new content, like The Passing campaign or the very special Sacrifice in just one sitting, and can also download a few great maps made by the community.

Needless to say, while going through the campaigns with computer-controlled teammates is pretty good, the best way is to get your friends and complete them cooperatively, in order to really feel like you're going through a zombie apocalypse.