Check out the game's first eight minutes in a new batch of footage

May 22, 2014 11:38 GMT  ·  By

Another day, another Watch Dogs leak, as this time the game's opening sequence on the Xbox 360 has appeared online, showing off the first cut scenes and gameplay moments from the open world title.

Watch Dogs is Ubisoft's big all-new bet set to appear next week but, unfortunately for the company, lots of copies of the game have been sold by retailers to different customers who have begun sharing footage from them either on PS4 or other consoles.

Now, a new gameplay video has surfaced from the Xbox 360 edition of the game, showing off the opening moments from the new title.

More specifically, the first cinematic and gameplay sequences are portrayed, containing quite a few spoilers regarding the past of protagonist Aiden Pearce and his current crusade against those who hurt his family.

The video's actual gameplay moments look pretty good, considering the Xbox 360's age, and it seems that Ubisoft has managed to retain a good visual quality. Bear in mind that it doesn't include any actual open world moments of Aiden wandering through Chicago, so it's unclear how good it looks when it has to simulate the big city.

Watch Dogs launches on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One next week, on May 27.