Rockstar envisioned a story first and then built the characters

Sep 11, 2013 11:16 GMT  ·  By

Grand Theft Auto 5's three main protagonists – Michael, Trevor, and Franklin – are all male because one of the story's key concepts is masculinity, and that wouldn't have worked with a female main character.

As opposed to previous installments in the GTA series, the latest will feature not one, but three main heroes, namely Michael, a former bank robber, Trevor, his crazy partner in crime, and Franklin, a young resident of the hood trying to make a living by repossessing cars.

Their story revolves around certain key concepts, according to the co-founder of developer Rockstar Games, Dan Houser.

He told The Guardian that one such concept was being masculine, and this meant that a female main character wouldn't have worked in the plot envisioned by the Rockstar team.

As of yet, however, it's still unclear how the story will progress with the three heroes, as GTA 5 is set to appear on September 17 for PS3 and Xbox 360.