The designer wants to make the game available on many platforms but can't promise anything

Mar 10, 2014 06:02 GMT  ·  By

Hideo Kojima, the famous Japanese games designer responsible for the hugely popular Metal Gear Solid franchise, has confirmed that he'd like to bring the next big entry in the series, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, to the PC platform, not just to current and last-gen consoles.

Metal Gear Solid fans are in for a short treat later this month when Ground Zeroes is released for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One platforms, as it paves the way for the full-fledged The Phantom Pain, which is set to debut in the future.

While The Phantom Pain is confirmed, just like Ground Zeroes, for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, designer Hideo Kojima has made it clear that he'd like to also bring it to the PC.

He confirmed to GameSpot that he'd like to make the game available across many platforms, so that all fans can enjoy it.

"PC, that’s my original background. I originally created PC games. A long time ago I didn’t want to rely on platforms to release games, so if people want it, I cannot make a formal announcement, but that is definitely something that I would like to do."

One of the most recent games in the larger franchise, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, was ported to PC one year after its release on PS3 and Xbox 360, so there's a tiny hope that The Phantom Pain might follow the same path.