The game is designed for PS4 and PS Vita and scheduled for a 2015 launch

Dec 9, 2013 14:35 GMT  ·  By

Kodoku is a horror game that has you rely on stealth and sorcery as your strategy for survival, instead of the conventional approach of shooting the bad guys in the face.

Players fill the shoes of a collector who has to travel to a haunted Japanese island in order to find a rare book. The island of Kodoku is home to a host of paranormal entities from Japanese myths, and you have to uncover the source of the phenomena.

You are tasked with gathering documents and proof that the paranormal activity is genuine, as PocketGamer explains in a preview of the title.

Gameplay is said to focus on stealth, lurking in the shadows, listening to nearby noises and creating distractions for the ghastly inhabitants of the island, so that you may investigate freely and then be able to make your escape.

Notable features are the ability to focus your senses, in order to detect nearby threats, and a simple crafting system that allows you to create spells that will aid you in evading enemies and solving puzzles.

The project certainly sounds intriguing, and more information can be acquired from the game's official webpage, where the first official screenshots have just been posted.

Kodoku is currently supposed to launch sometime during 2015, for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.