Players can take a look at the mechanics and the classes

Nov 1, 2013 14:20 GMT  ·  By

Killzone: Shadow Fall is probably the biggest launch title for the PlayStation 4 and those who are interested in picking it up can now take a look at a 14-minute-long gameplay video that shows off the multiplayer mode.

Gamers will be able to pick up one of three classes and then battle on a variety of maps using a number of rule sets.

The video does a good job of showing off some of the unique features of Killzone: Shadow Fall, including how the various special abilities work together when a team cooperates.

The shooter created by Guerrilla Games will also offer a single-player campaign that deals with a Cold War situation between the Vektans and the Helghast.

The new Killzone will be out on November 15 alongside the PlayStation 4 in the US and two weeks later in the EU.