The first-person shooter features a lot of blood and guts, but it's okay because they're from zombies, which are icky

Dec 8, 2014 15:55 GMT  ·  By

Tripwire Interactive and Sony have announced that Killing Floor 2, the zombie dismemberment extravaganza, will also be showing on the PlayStation 4 home console sometime in 2015.

The developers are currently working on a follow-up to the popular 2009 video game about the pure, unfettered joy of slaughtering zombies, and the plan is to deliver unrestrained violence to Windows PC, Steam OS and the PlayStation 4, at a yet undisclosed later date.

This comes as a pretty big surprise, since nobody expected the title to make the console jump anytime soon. The original Killing Floor started out as an Unreal Tournament 2004 mod, but it quickly developed into a very successful standalone release.

The announcement video speaks for itself, and it's enough to instantly know whether you're going to look forward to this game or not. Do you like unrestrained violence and challenging gameplay? Great, you're going to like Killing Floor 2. Do you like picking flowers and thinking about stuff that doesn't matter? Boo hoo, then go back into your corner and be sad about things you have no control over.

Killing Floor 2 will be independently published by Tripwire Interactive, and it's set to bring about a ton of fun and dark horror-survival action sometime in 2015.

Killing Floor 2 screenshots (10 Images)

Killing Floor 2
Eager to get a piece of me... maybe they're groupiesCue some rain for drama