The company will not be able to catch up to Sony and Nintendo

Sep 18, 2013 16:31 GMT  ·  By

Keiji Inafune, best known for creating the Mega Man series, says that he understands Microsoft’s decision to only launch the new Xbox One on the Japanese market in 2014.

He tells IGN that, “having Japan be an afterthought – after Europe and North America – as much as I may not like that as a Japanese creator, it makes sense to prioritize the markets that are naturally going to have a larger installed base and larger sales.”

The developer also believes that Microsoft is lowering its chances of making the Xbox One a success in Japan because most players will just go ahead and pick up a PlayStation 4.

The new home console will be offered on 13 core markets on November 22 of this year and the rest of the world will have to wait until early next year.

Traditionally, devices from both Sony and Nintendo have performed much better in Japan than any Microsoft platform.