The open world action adventure from Avalanche and Warner Bros. is looking good

Jan 15, 2014 07:58 GMT  ·  By

What we know:

The Mad Max franchise will see a new movie appear in 2015, in the form of Fury Road but, until then, Warner Bros. and Avalanche Studios have partnered to create a new Mad Max game, featuring the iconic Road Warrior.

The new title sees Mad Max's precious vehicle, the Pursuit Special (aka the Interceptor), stolen from him. As such, Max must track it down, while building a new ride called the Magnum Opus, with the help of his longtime buddy, Chumbucket.

The game will be an open world action adventure experience that pits Max against all sorts of bandit factions and groups that rule the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Max must continue on his journey to find the Pursuit Special while hunting for parts that will further improve his Magnum Opus. This leads him to certain iconic vehicles that are guarded by many foes in special encampments. Max can engage both in vehicle but also infantry warfare.

Car-based combat relies on direct damage, and Max can customize his ride to inflict the most damage, or even use guns against other vehicles, thereby entering a sort of slow-motion sequence while shooting their weak spots.

Max is also quite skilled when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, especially since ammo for weapons is scarce in the wasteland. He can inflict a lot of damage against enemies both by going head-to-head with them or by using stealth maneuvers.

Why it matters:

Open world action games have become quite numerous in recent years, but the promise of Mad Max to blend regular exploration mechanics with vehicle and hand-to-hand combat is certainly intriguing.

Throw in the fact that the game is coming from Avalanche Studios, the studio behind the stunning Just Cause 2, and it has a lot of potential.

Mad Max is set to debut this year for the PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One.

The full list of Incoming 2014 articles can be read on Softpedia.