Gamers can learn more about the core mechanics of the MOBA

Mar 4, 2014 12:55 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Blizzard is delivering a new gameplay video for their upcoming Multiplayer Online Battle Arena title Heroes of the Storm, showing gamers the Dragon Shrines map for the first time.

The footage includes Dustin Browder, the game director, and Kevin Knocke, one of the developers, using a variety of heroes included in the title and their own brand of tactics in order to win the battle.

The images are all taken from the current alpha version of Heroes of the Storm and, while they do offer a look at the state of the game as it stands now, they are now indicative of the way the final product will play.

Blizzard has also announced today that it is launching a very limited technical alpha stage for the MOBA title, which is designed to test the core infrastructure while giving some of the most dedicated fans a chance to actually play it.

Heroes of the Storm does not currently have a launch date and Blizzard will probably use the rolling release mode, delivering a beta that will then receive constant updates.

The title will have to compete with both League of Legends from Riot Games and DOTA 2 from Valve.