Also incoming: Carrier Command: Gaea Missions and War of the Roses

Oct 1, 2012 08:15 GMT  ·  By

The big two launches of the coming seven days are NBA 2K13, the basketball simulation from 2K Games that lacks a rival, and Resident Evil 6, the action horror game from Capcom.


NBA 2K13 - 2K Sports - 2/10/2012 Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit - SEGA - 3/10/2012 Carrier Command: Gaea Missions - Rising Star Games - 2/10/2012 War of the Roses - Paradox Interactive - 2/10/2012

Xbox 360

NBA 2K13 - 2K Sports - 2/10/2012 Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit - SEGA - 3/10/2012 Carrier Command: Gaea Missions - Rising Star Games - 2/10/2012 Resident Evil 6 - Capcom - 2/10/2012 Dragon Ball: Kinect - Namco Bandai - 5/10/2012

PlayStation 3

NBA 2K13 - 2K Sports - 2/10/2012 Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit - SEGA - 3/10/2012 Resident Evil 6 - Capcom - 2/10/2012

Nintendo Wii

NBA 2K13 - 2K Sports - 2/10/2012 Just Dance 4 - Ubisoft - 2/10/2012 We Sing 80s - Nordic Games - 5/10/2012

PlayStation Portable

NBA 2K13 - 2K Sports - 2/10/2012

Nintendo 3DS

Crosswords Plus - Nintendo - 1/10/2012 Pokémon Black Version/White Version 2 - Nintendo - 7/10/2012