The game will offer a single-player campaign and multiplayer arenas

Apr 25, 2013 18:51 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Spicy Horse, best known for its work on Akaneiro: Demon Hunters, announces that it is working on a new video game called Hell Invaders, which aims to take real-time strategy features and combine them with mechanics taken from collectable card games.

The team wants to allow players to create their deck of cards and then tackle either a single-player campaign or engage in Player versus Player battles in custom arenas.

Hell Invaders will include actual 3D representations of the creatures on the cards fighting each other and will also deliver support moves and special powers that will enhance the strategy element.

The name of the game is not yet final and more information will be offered in the coming months.

Hell Invaders is set to arrive on the PC powered by Linux, Mac and Windows and on tablets.

Hell Invaders (4 Images)

Unit type
Invasion timeCard based