Actors now understand how gaming can capture performances

Apr 27, 2013 08:37 GMT  ·  By

Guillaume de Fondaumiere, one of the developers working on Beyond: Two Souls, says that the company’s previous video game, Heavy Rain, is well known in Hollywood and made it easier to secure talented artists for the leading roles.

He tells Eurogamer that “Having produced Heavy Rain, and being able to show it to people, to show them that we were doing different experience, more a form of cultural expression – that opened the doors.”

The agents of both Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe knew about the game and its ambition to portray emotion and characters realistically.

This made it simpler for Quantic Dream to secure top talent for Beyond: Two Souls.

Ellen Page is the protagonist of the game and Willem Dafoe plays the role of a scientist who is helping her deal with the supernatural presence that is following her around.