The team will be able to fix balance issues quicker

Mar 21, 2013 14:59 GMT  ·  By

The development team at 343 Industries is deploying a new update for its shooter Halo 4, designed to allow the team to change weapon balance in the background, without asking players to constantly download patches when they start the game.

BS Angel, a community manager, tells the fan base that, “This will allow us to fine tune and tweak the Halo 4 sandbox as often or not as often as needed. One thing to keep in mind is that even the tiniest of changes affects the sandbox as a whole, so these adjustments will be closely scrutinized and carefully tested before being released.”

The official update page also has information on some game changes that have been introduced to Halo 4, including a tweak to Warthog weaponry.

343 Industries has long-term plans to add more maps and game modes to the Master Chief powered shooter.