The tactical military action game aims to continue SOCOM's tradition

Jan 9, 2014 08:17 GMT  ·  By

H-Hour: World's Elite is currently a pre-alpha work in progress, but Special Operations Forces studios feel confident enough to unveil their game's current state, which already includes popular dance moves to perform on noobs' dead bodies.

The spiritual successor to the SOCOM series has been successfully crowdfunded through a Kickstarter campaign about half a year ago, and it appears that SOF studios have been hard at work all this time, releasing the first preview footage of the game in such a short time.

The video debuts with a disclaimer pointing out that H-Hour still is a work in progress and has a long way to go before any sort of tuning and polish is applied, but it does a pretty good job of showing the overall mood and action pacing the tactical military action game aims for.

The project is led by Creative Director Davis Sears, the mind behind the original SOCOM series, and although it is currently too early to talk about a prospective release date, the developers have stated their goal to release H-Hour: World's Elite on both the PC and the PlayStation 4, when it's finished.