Gamers will be able to experience all the core features of the MMO

Aug 21, 2013 16:31 GMT  ·  By

The developers at ArenaNet announce that they are launching a free weekend for their MMO Guild Wars 2, which is set to start at 12:01 AM on Friday, August 23, Pacific Daylight Time and will end at 11:59 PM on August 25.

During that time, gamers will be able to explore the entire world of the MMO and take part in any quests that they are interested in, as long as they meet the requirements.

In order to register, players need to go to the official site and offer information that includes their name, a valid e-mail address, a nickname and a date of birth.

On August 20, the team will launch a new event for Guild Wars 2, which is expected to introduce a number of big changes to the world of the MMO.

Guild Wars 2 was launched last year and has performed well, generating solid retail sales.

The game uses a business model that allows players full access for an unlimited time as long as they get the core game package.