The game is on track to go free-to-play this autumn

Aug 14, 2012 15:25 GMT  ·  By

Austin Matthew, who is the general manager at the Austin Studio of BioWare and one of the main developers behind The Old Republic MMO has announced that the game was getting a new Grand Acquisition worldwide event.

The name sounds like something that the Ferengi of Star Trek would dream about and involves players searching the Galaxy of the game for a mysterious object and will result in a big change to the overall state of the game.

The developer has also talked about the new operation that BioWare will add during the fall, called Terror from Beyond and about a number of new space-based missions that are offered to players that are above level 50.

Players versus player fans will also get access to a new Warzone to test their own skills.

Star Wars: The Old Republic will get a new free-to-play business model during the fall, but subscribers will continue to get extra features and content.