The group wants the studio to modify the game's cover and clearly mention the requirement

Jul 24, 2012 06:35 GMT  ·  By

Diablo 3’s mandatory internet connection is causing more problems for developer Blizzard, as now a German consumer advocacy group is threatening the studio with legal action unless it modifies the game’s cover and specifically mentions that the game needs a constant online connection.

Diablo III has been out for over two months and its various features and issues have caused plenty of problems for Blizzard, its developer.

After the studio was forced by Korean authorities to offer refunds to players who were affected by the Error 37 message that appeared due to overwhelmed servers, the company is now encountering new issues in Germany.

According to PC Gamer, the Federation of Consumer Organizations has issued Blizzard a deadline to change the packaging of Diablo 3 in order to clearly mention the mandatory online connection.

If Blizzard doesn’t comply, the group is threatening the studio with a lawsuit.

As of yet, Blizzard hasn’t commented on this new problem.