The game also has reworked provinces and new buildings

Apr 10, 2013 12:56 GMT  ·  By

The team working on the Game of Thrones mod for the grand strategy title Crusader Kings II is launching a new version of its experience, 0.4.2, which adds a number of improvements, and updates the mod to work with the most recent patch.

Players who are familiar with the world of the books written by R.R. Martin can play during the Blackfyre rebellion and those who have read them all should also give the Feast for Crows setup a try.

The modding team has also done a lot of work to add buildings to the world and has reworked a lot of provinces to enhance gameplay.

At the moment, they are also trying to use the Republic content created by Paradox Interactive in order to simulate the continent of Essos.

Crusader Kings II is set to get the Old Gods expansion soon.