The team has worked on resolution, frame rate, textures

Mar 12, 2014 22:46 GMT  ·  By

The version of the first Dark Souls was widely criticized for its lack of options specific to the platform and it seems that the development team at From Software is determined not to repeat the same mistakes with the sequel.

Tak Miyazoe, a producer working on the title, is quoted by Shacknews as saying that his company has taken extra time to make sure that the quality of the experience is up to par.

He explains that, "We apologize for the delay, but we did spend time working on the PC version, making sure that we do attend to higher resolutions, higher framerates, and also keyboard mapping most controls."

The game offers a solid experience on home consoles and it will be interesting to see how beautiful the unique world created by From Software can be on more powerful graphics hardware.

Dark Souls 2 will be launched on the PC on April 25 and interested gamers can get access to a Special Edition of the title.

The game can already be played on the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony.

The experience is as difficult as its predecessor, but it is also more accessible and even newcomers to the series can appreciate the punishing but fair combat mechanics and the mysterious narrative.