PS3 owners with Plus subscriptions can get the game for free later today

Jan 21, 2014 07:28 GMT  ·  By

Sony has confirmed that a brand new free game is coming later today, January 21, to North American PlayStation Plus subscribers, in the form of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for PS3.

PlayStation Plus has offered its paying subscribers access to a variety of free games as well as plenty of other discounts or exclusive beta stages.

Now, once the PlayStation Store in North America gets its weekly update later today, January 21, Plus users will be greeted with a fresh free title on the PS3, in the form of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, according to the PS blog.

The delightful downloadable game made by Starbreeze amazed lots of players last year when it appeared across the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Now, for Plus members who have yet to try it, there's absolutely no excuse for skipping the great title.