Inspired by Dark Souls, Batman and Kingdoms of Amalur

Aug 8, 2012 07:57 GMT  ·  By

Tomasz Gop, who has long been the leading producer working at CD Projekt RED on The Witcher series, has officially announced that his upcoming project with developer City Interactive is called Lords of the Fallen.

The game uses the action role-playing genre and a fantasy setting and will allow players to take on the role of humans and demons in a world where the two battle under the watchful eye of a Fallen God.

Tomasz Gop’s profile on LinkedIn talks about an experience that focuses on “skill and persistence among hardcore Action-RPG fans” and states that the high level battles against the Generals of the Fallen God are “one of game’s strongest features.”

Inspiration for Lords of the Fallen is taken from games like Batman: Arkham City, Kingdoms of Amalur and Dark Souls.

More information on the new action role-playing game is expected before the end of 2012 and the launch will take place on the PC, the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 next year.