The developers are trying to offer solid choices to the gamer

May 21, 2014 15:05 GMT  ·  By

Will Miller, one of the co-designers of the upcoming Civilization: Beyond Earth, says that his company is trying to create an optimistic take on the future of humanity with its new turn-based strategy experience, despite the grim elements present in the starting video.

He tells Eurogamer that, “We talk about things like the Great Mistake, but it's always couched in terms of how we overcame that to launch human beings into space. We want this game to plausibly illustrate how we would evolve our species in a way that lets us adapt to a new world and move on.”

Miller says that the newly introduced Affinities are designed to include a positive view about the future of the human race, although opponents of each will paint them as being evil and unnecessary.

The developer has also explained that while his team draws a lot of inspiration from Alpha Centauri, they have no interest in creating a reboot of that classic title.

He believes that the Civilization series has evolved enormously since then and that Beyond Earth will incorporate all those improvements while also introducing some innovative ideas.

The new turn-based strategy title will be launched before the end of the year on the PC.