Check out the stunning shooter ahead of its release in September

Feb 20, 2012 10:04 GMT  ·  By

A brand new gameplay video of Far Cry 3 has made its way onto the web, showcasing not just an explosive firefight, but also one of the many hallucinations endured by the protagonist throughout the story of the game.

Far Cry 3 is set to take the experiences from its predecessors to new levels, showing off the same stunning graphics while adding some truly unique antagonists, as well as quite a few moral issues.

We’ve already seen a new cinematic trailer last week and now a pretty lengthy gameplay video has appeared on YouTube.

It showcases not just an impressive firefight, but also a hallucination endured by the player while he’s foraging for mushrooms in a cave.

The whole video is quite impressive, so check it out above and get ready for the release of Far Cry 3 on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on September 4, in North America, and September 9, in Europe.